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Need Cleaning Services In Loughborough?

Cleaning Services Loughborough

What Services Do We Offer

At Refresh Carpet Cleaning we offer a wide range of cleaning services for Loughborough and the rest of Leicestershire. Refresh Carpet Cleaning is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning company. Our Leicestershire services include:

  • Carpet Cleaning
  • Upholstery Cleaning
  • Curtain Cleaning
  • Rug Cleaning
  • Car Upholstery Cleaning
  • Leather And Vinyl Cleaning
  • Fabric Protection
  • Anti-Allergen Treatment

All of our services are designed to keep your home or office, safer and cleaner for you, and your loved ones.

Why You Should Choose Us

Using our unique cleaning methods and the latest equipment, we offer one of the most advanced cleaning services available. Our technicians are highly trained, friendly and professional. Providing you will a hassle-free service with minimal disruption to your home.

Using our 100% pet and child-safe solution, The Natural®. This is a non-toxic solution which is made from all-natural ingredients that can be found in nature. Our revolutionary carpet cleaning service will give you visibly cleaner carpets after just one treatment, it will not only make your carpets look cleaner but they will be healthier and odour-free.

To further enhance the life of your carpets and upholstery we can apply our fabric protection treatment. This will prevent dirt from embedding into the fibres of the fabric so quickly, making it less likely to stain. Having the fabric protection treatment means you will need our services less, therefore reducing the overall cost!

We can also offer you free no-obligation quote and amazing seasonal deals.

Our Process

The Refresh Carpet Cleaning process uses natural CO2 to produce thousands of tiny bubbles that will penetrate straight into the fibres of the fabric and dissolve dirt quickly. It also acts as an extraction method by lifting the dirt to the surface for easier extraction. This process will also remove any stubborn stains and smells.

Our cleaning process is quick to dry! As we only use one-fifth of the moisture most other carpet cleaners use, your carpet will dry within 1-2 hours. This significantly reduces the risk of mould and bacteria growth in the fabric. We also have specialised treatment for removing pet urine from your carpets and upholstery.

Get In Touch Today

So if you require any of our cleaning services in Loughborough or the Leicestershire area, make sure you contact us and we will get to you as soon as possible. Because at Refresh Carpet Cleaning we know how important it is to have a clean and safe home for you and your family. You can also talk to one of our team today on 07436 811184.


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